Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wisconsin Weekend Fun

We had such a good time with Pete's family on our recent visit to Wisconsin. The boys are really getting to an age where they enjoy playing with the cousins instead of playing alone!
We packed our weekend visiting with family and celebrating Cousin Tara's birthday! I am so happy the boys are getting the opportunity to grow up with their cousins, Aunts and Uncle's and Grandparents! This time is so precious. I know we will all look back and be thankful we had the opportunity to be so close!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

It's Potty Time

The last month or two we have been dabbling in potty training. It all started because Jake had shown some interest in telling us when he was going or had gone to the bathroom. Zach showed interest shortly after watching his BIG brother. I was soooo happy! Well, I've realized that this is just the FIRST of many steps to the potty training process. Ah, the beauty of ignorance. For a brief moment, I thought potty training was going to be a easy....yeah, not so much. I've also heard boys are a bit more challenging to train than girls. So the fun begins!!!

Zach is not as enthusiastic as Jake to be on the potty.

Jake feels like such a big boy and is sooo very proud - even if he's never made a deposit.......YET!!

Monday, July 28, 2008

My First Garden Set!

Every weekend morning we go outside to drink our coffee and let the boys run around. Here are some pictures of Zach enjoying his new garden set. He seems to be more interested in getting the water in his mouth than on the plants and lawn! The weather has been pretty nice lately. We've really enjoyed hanging outside with the boys and playing in the yard.
The last picture is my favorite! I love baby feet! They are so soft and chubby. Zach's aren't so little anymore so I am capturing all the moments now because before I know it, those feet will be marching across the stage at GRADUATION!! YIKES