Wednesday, February 28, 2007

5 Weeks Old!



Today Zachary is 5 weeks old!! We don't know where the time has gone. We are enjoying every minute with him. Our "Little Man" has become our "Big Man" He now weighs 10.2 lbs!!
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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Zachary 1 Month

We can't believe it's been a month already!! Here is Zach doing one of the things he does best....SLEEP!
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Zachary's First Date


Zachary and his girlfriend Sophia on their first date to Jack's Urban Eats
(Our friend's Michael and Reyna's daughter)
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Auntie Jessica and Zachary


Zachary wanted Auntie Jessica to take him home in her luggage to meet his cousins Tori and Tara!
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Grandpa Dale and Zach

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Grandpa Dale calls me his "Little Lamb" because I make lamb noises. I was born to be on a farm!! Here I come Wisconsin!!

Grandma Judy Spoils Me Rotten!

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A Trip From Wisconsin


Zachary had a wonderful visit with Grandma Judy, Grandpa Dale and Auntie Jessica!
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Auntie Leslie To The Rescue


Auntie Leslie wanted to take you home with her!! She settled for visitation.
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I sleep like a baby after a nice warm bath!

My Two Biggest Fans!


Our first visitors- Alexis and Corbin Eaton. (Carla's kids) Notice my mom scored BIG points with my dad by getting me BADGER burp cloths!
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Zachary 1 Week Old



Our "Handsome Little Devil" One Week Old
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